ISSN: 1885-5857 Impact factor 2023 7.2
Vol. 55. Num. 2.
Pages 143-154 (February 2002)

Chest pain units. Organization and protocol for the diagnosis of acute coronary syndromes

Unidades de dolor torácico. Organización y protocolo para el diagnóstico de los síndromes coronarios agudos

Julián Bayón FernándezaEduardo Alegría EzquerraaXavier Bosch GenoveraAdolfo Cabadés O'CallaghanaIgnacio Iglesias GárrizaJosé Julio Jiménez NácheraFélix Malpartida de TorresaGinés Sanz Romeroa


The two main goals of chest pain units are the early, accurate diagnosis of acute coronary syndromes and the rapid, efficient recognition of low-risk patients who do not need hospital admission. Many clinical, practical, and economic reasons support the establishment of such units. Patients with chest pain account for a substantial proportion of emergency room turnover and their care is still far from optimal: 8% of patients sent home are later diagnosed of acute coronary syndrome and 60% of admissions for chest pain eventually prove to have been unnecessary. We present a systematic approach to create and manage a chest pain unit employing specialists headed by a cardiologist. The unit may be functional or located in a separate area of the emergency room. Initial triage is based on the clinical characteristics, the ECG and biomarkers of myocardial infarct. Risk stratification in the second phase selects patients to be admitted to the chest pain unit for 6-12 h. Finally, we propose treadmill testing before discharge to rule out the presence of acute myocardial ischemia or damage in patients with negative biomarkers and non-diagnostic serial ECGs.


Unstable angina
Chest pain
Coronary artery disease
Myocardial infarction
Emergency room
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