In the article titled “Comments on the 2017 ESC Guidelines for the Management of Acute Myocardial Infarction in Patients Presenting With ST-segment Elevation”, published in Rev Esp Cardiol. 2017;70:1039-1045, the names of Inmaculada Roldán, José Luis Ferreiro, Juan Miguel Ruiz Nodar, and José Luis López Sendón were mistakenly omitted from the list of authors in the group of expert reviewers.
The full list of expert reviewers in the appendix of authors is the following:
Expert Reviewers for the 2017 ESC Guidelines for the Management of Acute Myocardial Infarction in Patients Presenting With ST-segment Elevation: Esteban López de Sá, Roberto Martín Asenjo, Manuel Pan, Soledad Ojeda, Armando Pérez de Prado, Pilar Jiménez Quevedo, Ana Serrador, Inmaculada Roldán, José Luis Ferreiro, Juan Miguel Ruiz Nodar, and José Luis López Sendón.
This correction was introduced in the electronic version of the article on 9 February 2018.