ISSN: 1885-5857 Impact factor 2023 7.2
Corrected proofs Journal pre-proofs

Original article
Rationale and design of the beta-blockers in tako-tsubo syndrome study: a randomized clinical trial (β-Tako)

Justificación y diseño del estudio sobre bloqueadores beta en el síndrome de tako-tsubo: un estudio clínico aleatorizado (β-Tako)

Fernando AlfonsoabJorge SalamancaabIván Núñez-GilcBorja IbáñezbdeJuan SanchisbfManel SabatébgMaite VelázquezbhSergio Raposeiras-RoubíniTamara García-CamarerojPaula AntuñabkHernán MejíalXavier CarrillomIrene BuerabnManuel Martínez-SellésbopJuan Manuel Escudier-VillaqJoaquín Sánchez-PrietorEmilia Blanco PoncesGonzalo CabezónbtCovadonga Fernández-GolfínbuDomingo Pascual-FigalbvBelén CidwAna MarcanoxRafael González-ManzanaresbySantiago Jiménez-ValerozJosé Manuel VázquezbaaJorge Sanz-SánchezbabAlberto CecconiabDavid Del ValabFrancisco Abad-SantosacFilippo Creaad


Imagen extra
Introduction y objectives

Tako-tsubo syndrome (TTS) is a cardiac condition that mimics acute coronary syndrome, characterized by transient left ventricular dysfunction in the absence of culprit coronary artery stenosis. Although its etiology remains unknown, reversible microvascular dysfunction secondary to an adrenergic surge is thought to play a role. Treatment is empirical, although most patients receive beta-blockers (BB) in clinical practice. The Beta-blockers in Tako-tsubo Syndrome study (β-Tako), is an academic, multicenter, pragmatic, prospective randomized open-label trial with blinded endpoint evaluation that aims to assess the efficacy and safety of BB in patients with TTS.


The diagnosis of TTS will be confirmed by invasive coronary angiography and serial echocardiographic assessments. Two hundred patients with TTS will be randomized (1:1) to BB (n=100) or no BB (n=100). BB with alpha or nitric oxide release activity will be used in the treatment arm.


The primary efficacy endpoint is the comparison of the wall motion score index by echocardiography at 7 days, analyzed by an independent core laboratory. Changes in left ventricular ejection fraction and global longitudinal strain will also be evaluated. A composite clinical endpoint (death, stroke, admission for recurrent TTS, acute coronary syndrome, heart failure, or atrial fibrillation) at 1 year will be assessed by an independent clinical events committee. Several predefined substudies will be conducted to examine clinical, imaging, biomarker, pharmacogenetic, inflammatory, messenger ribonucleic acids, and quality-of-life parameters.


The β-Tako trial will generate robust scientific evidence to address unmet clinical needs and inform clinical and treatment decisions in this uniquely challenging clinical entity.

The study has been registered (EU-CT number: 2023-510213-25-01, Identifier, NCT06509074.


Tako-tsubo syndrome
Acute coronary syndrome
Myocardial infarction
Wall motion score index
Left ventricular function
Coronary angiography
Cardiac magnetic resonance
Randomized clinical trial

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