- Online Edition in English. A Momentous Step Forward for the Revista Española de Cardiología
- Xavier Bosch, Julián P Villacastín, Fernando Alfonso
- Rev Esp Cardiol. 2002;55:1-3
- Natriuretic Peptides in Heart Failure: Improving Diagnosis and Management of the Syndrome
- Óscar Alejandro Salomone
- Rev Esp Cardiol. 2002;55:4-6
Original articles
Cardiomyopathy and heart failure
- Brain Natriuretic Peptide. Diagnostic Value in Heart Failure
- Joaquín Osca, Anastasio Quesada, Miguel A Arnau, Ana Osa, Isabel Hervás, Luis Almenar, Miguel Palencia, Antonio Mateo, Francisco Algarra
- Rev Esp Cardiol. 2002;55:7-15
Interventional cardiology
- Implications of Late Expansion of Self-Expanding Stents on Neointimal Response: a Serial Study with Intravascular Ultrasound
- Marcelo Sanmartín, Javier Goicolea, Fernando Alfonso, Javier Escaned, Álex Flores, Antonio Fernández-Ortiz, Camino Bañuelos, Rosa Ana Hernández-Antolín, Carlos Macaya
- Rev Esp Cardiol. 2002;55:16-24
- Percutaneous Balloon Pericardiotomy in Patients with Recurrent Pericardial Effusion
- Luis Felipe Navarro del Amo, Manuel Córdoba Polo, Miguel Orejas Orejas, Teresa López Fernández, Moshen Mohandes, Andrés Iñíguez Romo
- Rev Esp Cardiol. 2002;55:25-8
- Multiplane Transesophageal Echocardiography in the Preoperative Evaluation of the Sinus of Valsalva Fistula to Right Chambers
- Ana Garrido Martín, José M Oliver Ruiz, Ana E González, José M Mesa García, Fernando Benito, José A Sobrino Daza
- Rev Esp Cardiol. 2002;55:29-36
Arrhythmias and cardiac stimulation
- Radiofrequency Ablation of the Cavotricuspid Isthmus in Typical Atrial Flutter: Standard Catheter Versus Irrigated-Tip Catheter. A Randomized Prospective Study
- Gonzalo Peña Pérez, Antonio Hernández Madrid, José María González Rebollo, Aníbal Rodríguez, Manuel Gómez Bueno, Asunción Camino, Concepción Moro
- Rev Esp Cardiol. 2002;55:37-44
- Electrophysiological and Clinical Characterization of Left Atrial Macroreentrant Tachycardia
- Carina P Cantale, Francisco García-Cosío, María A Montero, Agustín Pastor, Ambrosio Núñez, Antonio Goicolea
- Rev Esp Cardiol. 2002;55:45-54
Epidemiology, risk factors and prevention
- Changes in the Clinical Profile of Patients Treated with Oral Anticoagulants During the Decade of the Ninety
- Eduardo Vázquez Ruiz de Castroviejo, María José Martín Barranco, Antonio Martín Rubio, Antonio Fajardo Pineda, Cristóbal Lozano Cabezas, Manuel Guzmán Herrera, Ada Tarabini Castellani, Carlos Pagola Vilardebó, Eufrasio Martínez Galiano, Antonio Alcalá Muñoz
- Rev Esp Cardiol. 2002;55:55-60
Update on:
Genetics and Molecular Biology in Cardiology
- Importance of Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha in the Pathogenesis of Heart Failure
- Eduardo Heberto Herrera Garza, José Luis Herrera Garza, Humberto Rodríguez González, Alfonso Treviño Treviño, Marcos Ibarra Flores, Guillermo Torre Amione
- Rev Esp Cardiol. 2002;55:61-6
Images in cardiology
- Apical Postinfarction Ventricular Septal Defect and Anomalous Origin of Left Coronary Artery
- Salvatore Di Stefano, Joaquín J Alonso, Santiago Flórez
- Rev Esp Cardiol. 2002;55:67
Brief reports
- Stenting of Right Coronary Artery Arising from the Left Sinus of Valsalva
- Luis M Álvarez de la Fuente, Pedro Serrano Aísa, Vicente Aguarón López, Antonio Peleato Peleato
- Rev Esp Cardiol. 2002;55:68-70
- Isolated Form of Spongy Myocardium
- Juan R Siles Rubio, José M Arizón del Prado, Amador López Granados, Dolores Mesa Rubio, Fernando López Rubio, Antonio Ramírez Moreno
- Rev Esp Cardiol. 2002;55:71-3
- Survival After Two Consecutive Left Ventricular Free Wall Ruptures with an Atypical Occurrence After a Pre-Discharge Exercise Test
- Tomás Ripoll Vera, Carlos Fernández Palomeque, José F Forteza, Oriol Bonnín, Juan Casanova, Armando Bethencourt
- Rev Esp Cardiol. 2002;55:74-6
- Sinus of Valsalva Aneurysm as a Cause of Acute Myocardial Infarction
- Margarita Regueiro Abel, Manuel Penas Lado, Víctor López Ciudad, Alfonso Castro Beiras
- Rev Esp Cardiol. 2002;55:77-9
Books review
- Beating Heart Coronary Artery Surgery
- José J Cuenca Castillo
- Rev Esp Cardiol. 2002;55:80
- Intraoperative Graft Patency Verification in Cardiac and Vascular Surgery
- José M González Santos
- Rev Esp Cardiol. 2002;55:81
Books received
- Books Received
- Rev Esp Cardiol. 2002;55:82
- News
- Rev Esp Cardiol. 2002;55:83-5
ISSN: 1885-5857
Impact factor 2023