ISSN: 0300-8932 Factor de impacto 2023 7,2

SEC 2016 - El Congreso de las Enfermedades Cardiovasculares

Zaragoza, 27 - 29 de Octubre de 2016

Dr. Luis Rodríguez Padial
Presidente del Comité Científico del Congreso

Comité ejecutivo
Comité de evaluadores
Índice de autores

6045. Patofisiología. Modelos y genética

Fecha : 27-10-2016 00:00:00
Tipo : Póster
Sala : Zona Póster (Planta 0)

6045-580. Retinopatía: una ventana al riesgo cardiovascular y a la anatomía coronaria

Jesús Piqueras Flores, Manuel Marina Breysse, María Thiscal López Lluva, Natalia Pinilla Echeverri, Ignacio Sánchez Pérez, Alfonso Jurado Román, Fernando Lozano Ruiz-Póveda y Andrea Moreno Arciniegas del Hospital General de Ciudad Real.

Introduction and objectives: There is evidence of the relationship between retinopathy and cardiovascular disease. However, the correlation between the degree of retinopathy and cardiovascular morbidity and mortality has been less studied. The objective was to assess the relationship between the degree of retinopathy (hypertensive, atherosclerotic and diabetic) with the incidence of cardiovascular major events. Validate Syntax score as a predictor of major cardiovascular events.

Methods: Prospective observational cohort study with 54 patients undergoing diagnostic coronary angiography by the first medical indication who underwent ophthalmoscopy. Grouping of cohort exposed to patients with high degree of retinopathy and unexposed cohort of patients with low degree of retinopathy (hypertensive, atherosclerotic and diabetic). Analysis of clinical parameters, baseline and follow-up year, and coronariography and indirect ophthalmoscopy in recruiting patients.

Results: As total of 54 patients (61% men; 39% women) with mean age of 64.96 ± 13.93 years. Risk factors include hypertension (80.4%), diabetes mellitus (31.4%), dylipidemia (52.9%), former smoking (16%), sedentary (94%), obesity (BMI 29.5 ± 5.3) and know coronary artery disease (7.4%). The 37% had significant coronary artery disease and 95% had retinopathy. In the one year follow up, there was one death due to noncardiovascular causes. The presence of hypertensive retinopathy was associated with hospital readmission significantly (p = 0.034). With respect to Syntax Score, Patients who were readmitted in the first year had a higher score on the initial coronary angiography (14.63 ± 15.93) than those who were not readmitted (4.68 ± 7.17) with significant differences (p = 0.02). Also, the patients who requiring new coronary angiography had higher Syntax score in the initial coronariography (18.25 ± 21.5 front 4.91 ± 7.416; p = 0.006).

Retinopatía, Syntax score y reingreso en enfermedad coronaria


Readmission < 1 year

No readmission < 1 year



5 (10%)

34 (66%)

p = 0.013

Without retinopathy

6 (12%)

6 (12%)

Diabetic retinopathy type (n = 2)

Non proliferative

1 (50%)

1 (50%)

p > 0,05




Hypertensive retinopathy type (n = 38)

Grade I


19 (50%)

p = 0,034

Grade II

4 (11%)

15 (39%)

Atheroesclerotic retinopathy type (n = 36)

Grade I

16 (44%)

1 (40%)

p = 0,483

Grade II

14 (39%)

3 (8%)

Grade III

2 (6%)




Syntax score first coronary angiography


Hospital readmission < 1 year

Yes (n = 4)

14.63 ± 15.93

p = 0.02

No (n = 44)

4.68 ± 7.17

Need new coronariography < 1 year

Yes (n = 2)

18.25 ± 21.5

p = 0.006

No (n = 46)

4.91 ± 7.416

Conclusions: The presence of hypertensive retinopathy was associated with increased incidence of hospital readmission. It was noted that patients with higher score Syntax likewise showed greater cardiovascular readmission and need for coronary angiography. As the scale Syntax is predictor of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, the presence of retinopathy may be associated with worse outcomes and higher rates of hospital readmissions.

Comunicaciones disponibles de "Patofisiología. Modelos y genética"

6045-580. Retinopatía: una ventana al riesgo cardiovascular y a la anatomía coronaria
Jesús Piqueras Flores, Manuel Marina Breysse, María Thiscal López Lluva, Natalia Pinilla Echeverri, Ignacio Sánchez Pérez, Alfonso Jurado Román, Fernando Lozano Ruiz-Póveda y Andrea Moreno Arciniegas del Hospital General de Ciudad Real.

6045-581. Efecto de la inhibición de la galectina 3 sobre las alteraciones metabólicas cardiacas asociadas a la obesidad
Gema Marín Royo1, Ernesto Martínez-Martínez1, Josué Gutiérrez-Tenorio1, Natalia López-Andrés2, Beatriz Gutiérrez Miranda3, Isabel Gallardo Romero3, Mª Luisa Nieto Callejo3 y Victoria Cachofeiro Ramos1 del 1Departamento de Fisiología, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Complutense, Madrid, 2NavarraBiomed-Fundación Miguel Servet, Pamplona/Iruña (Navarra) y 3IBGM/CSIC-UVA, Valladolid.

6045-582. Función cardioprotectora de la omentina frente a la toxicidad producida por taxanos
María Cebro Márquez, Marinela Couselo Seijas, Ángel Fernández Trasancos, Sonia Eiras Penas, José Ramón González Juanatey, Ricardo Lage Fernández e Isabel Moscoso Galán del Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Santiago de Compostela (IDIS), Santiago de Compostela (A Coruña).

6045-583. Herencia del origen anormalmente alto de una arteria coronaria (high take-off) en un modelo animal
Borja Fernández Corujo, María Carmen Fernández Domínguez, María Teresa Soto Navarrete, Miguel Ángel López Unzu, Valentín Sans Coma y Ana Carmen Durán Boyero del Departamento de Biología Animal, Universidad de Málaga.

6045-584. Perilipina TIP47 en aterosclerosis: asociación con el fenotipo de célula espumosa-derivada de célula muscular lisa vascular
Teresa Padró, Alba Deyà, Masia García-Arguinzonis y Lina Badimón del Instituto de Investigación Cardiovascular, CSIC/ICCC, Barcelona.

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