- The Spanish National Cardiovascular Research Center: A New Phase
- Ginés Sanz, Valentín Fuster
- Rev Esp Cardiol. 2008;61:1-5
- Reperfusion Strategies in Acute Infarction
- Javier Ortigosa Aso, Lorenzo Silva Melchor
- Rev Esp Cardiol. 2008;61:6-9
- Management of Patients With Syncope: From Guidelines to Clinical Practice
- Àngel Moya i Mitjans, Concepción Alonso Martín
- Rev Esp Cardiol. 2008;61:10-3
Original articles
Ischemic heart disease
- Out-of-Hospital Treatment and 1-Year Survival in Patients With ST-Elevation Acute Myocardial Infarction. Results of the Spanish Out-of-Hospital Fibrinolysis Evaluation Project (PEFEX)
- Fernando Rosell-Ortiz, Francisco J Mellado-Vergel, Manuel Ruiz-Bailén, Emilio Perea-Milla
- Rev Esp Cardiol. 2008;61:14-21
Arrhythmias and cardiac stimulation
- Management of Syncope in the Emergency Department Without Hospital Admission: Usefulness of an Arrhythmia Unit Coordinated Protocol
- Felipe Rodríguez-Entem, Susana González-Enríquez, Juan J Olalla-Antolín, Manuel Cobo-Belaustegui, Víctor Expósito-García, Miguel Llano-Cardenal, Miguel A Casanova-Martín, Cristina Ruisánchez
- Rev Esp Cardiol. 2008;61:22-8
- Predicting Embolic Events in Patients With Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation: Evaluation of the CHADS 2 Score in a Mediterranean Population
- Martín Ruiz Ortiz, Elías Romo, Dolores Mesa, Mónica Delgado, Manuel Anguita, Amador López Granados, Juan C Castillo, José M Arizón, José Suárez de Lezo
- Rev Esp Cardiol. 2008;61:29-35
Valvulopathy/ Cardiomyopathy/ Pericardium
- Clinical Characteristics and Prognosis of Infective Endocarditis in Women
- Juan C Castillo, Manuel P Anguita, Mónica Delgado, Martín Ruiz, Dolores Mesa, Elías Romo, Manuel Crespín, Daniel García, José M Arizón, José Suárez de Lezo
- Rev Esp Cardiol. 2008;61:36-40
Basic research
- Sleep-Wakefulness Variations in Arterial Stiffness: Assessment Using Ambulatory Recording of Arterial Pulse Transit Time
- Sebastián Lluberas, Daniel Bia, Yanina Zócalo, Mabel Zabalza, Carolina Etchart, Ricardo Armentano
- Rev Esp Cardiol. 2008;61:41-8
- Analysis of Echocardiographic Alterations Observed in Sleep Apnea-Hypopnea Syndrome and How They Are Influenced by Hypertension
- José A Moro, Luis Almenar, Estrella Fernández-Fabrellas, Silvia Ponce, Rafael Blanquer, Antonio Salvador
- Rev Esp Cardiol. 2008;61:49-57
Special articles
Special article
- Cooperative Cardiovascular Disease Research Network (RECAVA)
- David García-Dorado, Alfonso Castro-Beiras, Javier Díez, Rafael Gabriel, Juan R Gimeno-Blanes, Manuel Ortiz de Landázuri, Pedro L Sánchez, Francisco Fernández-Avilés
- Rev Esp Cardiol. 2008;61:58-65
- The HERACLES Cardiovascular Network
- Jaume Marrugat, José R López-López, Magdalena Heras, Juan Tamargo, Miguel Valverde
- Rev Esp Cardiol. 2008;61:66-75
- Clinical and Preclinical Heart Failure Research Network (REDINSCOR). Instituto de Salud Carlos III Cooperative Special Topic Research Networks
- Luis Alonso-Pulpón, Xavier Borrás, Josep Brugada, Juan Cinca, Arturo Fernández Cruz, José R González Juanatey, Carlos Sáenz de la Calzada, Mariano Valdés, Rafael Vázquez, Julián Pérez Villacastín
- Rev Esp Cardiol. 2008;61:76-81
Clinical Practice Guidelines
- European guidelines on cardiovascular disease prevention in clinical practice: executive summary
- Rev Esp Cardiol. 2008;61:82
Images in cardiology
- Giant Coronary Aneurysm in Kawasaki Disease
- Verónica Hernández, Jesús Saavedra
- Rev Esp Cardiol. 2008;61:83
Brief reports
- Current Surgical Treatment of Calcified Aortic Stenosis
- Francisco González-Vílchez, José A Vázquez de Prada, Francisco Nistal, Manuel Cobo, Cristina Ruisánchez, Miguel Casanova, Miguel Llano, José A Gutiérrez
- Rev Esp Cardiol. 2008;61:84-7
- Transient Cortical Blindness Following Cardiac Catheterization: An Alarming but Infrequent Complication With a Good Prognosis
- Juan García de Lara, José M Vázquez-Rodríguez, Jorge Salgado-Fernández, Ramón Calviño-Santos, Nicolás Vázquez-González, Alfonso Castro-Beiras
- Rev Esp Cardiol. 2008;61:88-90
- Late Failure of Left Ventricular Leads Stabilized Using the Retained Guidewire Technique in Patients Undergoing Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy
- Elena Arbelo, Antonio García-Quintana, Eduardo Caballero, Antonio Delgado, Celestina Amador, Javier Suárez de Lezo, Marta Díaz-Escofet, Alfonso Medina
- Rev Esp Cardiol. 2008;61:91-4
Letters to the Editor
- Ectopic High Origin of Right Coronary Artery From the Aortic Wall Diagnosed by Multidetector Computed Cardiac Tomography
- Pablo Robles, Alberto Sonlleva, Ángel González Pinto
- Rev Esp Cardiol. 2008;61:95
- Retrograde Angioplasty in Chronic Total Occlusion
- Mariano Larman, Koldo Gaviria, Juan C Sanmartín, Garikoitz Lasa
- Rev Esp Cardiol. 2008;61:96-7
- The Preoperative Electrocardiogram: Meaningless Routine or Essential Tool?
- Eduardo Alegría Ezquerra, Eduardo Alegría Barrero, Ana Alegría Barrero
- Rev Esp Cardiol. 2008;61:97-8
- Left Atrial Obliteration Due to an Aortic Aneurysm Secondary to Chronic Aortic Dissection
- Alberto Bouzas-Mosquera, Eduardo Barge-Caballero, Jesús Peteiro-Vázquez, Alfonso Castro-Beiras
- Rev Esp Cardiol. 2008;61:98-9
- Massive Hemoptysis as an Unusual Complication of Right Heart Catheterization. Temporary Hemostasis With a Berman Diagnostic Catheter
- Arsenio Gallardo, Jesús Jiménez-Mazuecos, Antonio Gutiérrez, Driss Melehi
- Rev Esp Cardiol. 2008;61:99-101
- Transcatheter Closure of a Complex Fistula From the Right Coronary Artery to the Pulmonary Artery Using Microcoils and a Radial Approach
- Cristian Iborra Cuevas, Ángel Sánchez-Recalde, Lydia Roca Pereda, Raúl Moreno
- Rev Esp Cardiol. 2008;61:101-2
- News
- Rev Esp Cardiol. 2008;61:103-4
ISSN: 1885-5857
Impact factor 2023