Myocardial Revascularization
- New Prospects in Myocardial Surgical Revascularization
- Manuel Galiñanes
- Rev Esp Cardiol. 2005;58:1459-68
- Off-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting and Other Minimally Invasive Techniques
- José Cuenca, César Bonome
- Rev Esp Cardiol. 2005;58:1335-48
- Arterial Grafts in Coronary Surgery. Treatment for Everyone?
- José M González Santos, Javier López Rodríguez, María J Dalmau Sorlí
- Rev Esp Cardiol. 2005;58:1207-23
- Coronary Surgery. Developments in the Last Decade. Indications and Results
- Jesús Herreros
- Rev Esp Cardiol. 2005;58:1107-16
- Emergent Strategies in Interventional Cardiology
- Jiro Aoki, Gastón A Rodríguez-Granillo, Patrick W Serruys
- Rev Esp Cardiol. 2005;58:962-73
- Drug-Eluting Stents and Other Anti-Restenosis Devices
- Raúl Moreno
- Rev Esp Cardiol. 2005;58:842-62
- Advances in Adjunctive Pharmacological Therapy for Percutaneous Coronary Interventions
- Begoña Benito, Mónica Masotti, Amadeo Betriu
- Rev Esp Cardiol. 2005;58:729-43
- Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in Myocardial Infarction. Current Concepts
- Eulogio García
- Rev Esp Cardiol. 2005;58:567-84
- Influence of Clinical and Anatomical Factors on the Outcome of Percutaneous Coronary Interventions
- Javier Zueco Gil
- Rev Esp Cardiol. 2005;58:430-41
- Interventional Cardiology. Where Are We and Where Are We Going From Here?
- Manuel Pan, José Suárez de Lezo, Miguel Romero, José Segura, Djordje Pavlovic, Soledad Ojeda, Alfonso Medina, Jaime Fernández-Dueñas, Javier Ariza
- Rev Esp Cardiol. 2005;58:290-300
- Coronary Revascularization. State of the Art
- Fernando Alfonso, Javier Bermejo, Javier Segovia
- Rev Esp Cardiol. 2005;58:194-7
- Coronary Revascularization: Clinical Features and Indications
- Joaquín J Alonso Martín, Alejandro Curcio Ruigómez, Carmen Cristóbal Varela, María Nieves Tarín Vicente, José María Serrano Antolín, Pedro Talavera Calle, Catherine Graupner Abad
- Rev Esp Cardiol. 2005;58:198-216